Last Epoch tackling big bugs! 🐛 Ward vanishing act! Mid-cycle update! EHG hears you, fixing overperforming builds with surgical precision. Bugs squashed, balance mess tidied up. Players rejoice! Big W for communication, community engagement. Meta abusers, watch out! Fair play wins. Subathon still going strong! 💪🎉 #GameOn 🎮


In the world of Last Epoch, recent events have stirred up some drama. EHG, the game’s developer, conducted a survey to gather community feedback on midseason balance changes. The survey results revealed a clear consensus on the need to fix bugs that cause skills or items to overperform, as well as the importance of notifying players in advance of any nerfs to highly overperforming builds.

Bug Fixes and Balance Changes

EHG has responded to the community feedback by announcing two major bug fixes for highly performing builds. They have fixed a bug related to Profane Veil’s Vampiric Pool, which previously gave 40% of consumed minions’ maximum health as Ward instead of the listed 4%. Another bug fix addresses Rune Masters’ passive notes, which incorrectly scaled with points allocated. Additionally, they’ve announced a change to Dive Bomb, where Cloud Gather can now only use one smoke bomb at a time.

Community Feedback

Overall, the community has responded positively to these bug fixes, appreciating EHG’s efforts to address the balance issues. Players are pleased with the transparency and communication from the developers, especially in distinguishing these changes as bug fixes rather than balance adjustments.


EHG’s response to the community feedback regarding bugs and balance in Last Epoch demonstrates their commitment to maintaining a fair and enjoyable gaming experience. By listening to player input and providing clear communication, they are working towards a more balanced and bug-free gameplay environment.

Key Takeaways

  • EHG is addressing bugs in Last Epoch that cause skills or items to overperform.
  • The community supports EHG’s efforts to fix these bugs and appreciates their transparency.
  • Players are encouraged to provide feedback and participate in the ongoing survey for further improvements.


Q: Will EHG continue to prioritize bug fixes over balance changes?
A: EHG has stated that these bug fixes are being made as bug fixes, not balance changes. They are focusing on addressing bugs that affect the power of certain builds.

Q: How can players provide feedback to EHG?
A: Players can participate in the ongoing survey and share their thoughts on the official Last Epoch forums.


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