• Warlocks are dominating the arena rankings, with their insane AOE DPS potential and evasiveness at the top level.
  • Falconers are the most popular Mastery in the game, with incredible damage and survivability.
  • Runemaster is mechanically interesting and currently the best Mastery for Mages, with top clears far above other Mage masteries.
  • Sentinel’s Paladin and Void Knight masteries are competitive and offer a lot of variety in top rankings.
  • Primalist’s Druid stands out above the other two masteries, followed by Beast Masters, with Shamans just a few wave clears below the others.


Hello and welcome back to rage gaming and more last Epoch today we’re discussing the current power rankings for every Mastery what that means is a comparison of all the masteries their standings compared to one another now what’s important about a video like this is a valid source of information and how we actually judge this thankfully there’s a competitive ladder system that literally exists in the game already the ELO could never so we don’t need to struggle with vague considerations.

Competitive Ladder and Arena Rankings

Unfortunately, the official ladder system isn’t accurate all and seems very unreliable thankfully though we do have last Epoch tools which is more than equipped to actively track what’s really going on through this then we can take a at the arena rankings and see a complete list every player’s progression in that in-game system we see what wave level people have cleared the higher the level the more and while it’s true that your average players going to be much more concerned with the main endgame system being monoliths the arena is still a great gauge for us to understand the sweatiest of endgame potential.

Warlock Dominance and Class Rankings

With that in mind, we can see that there’s a serious gap between the top three here well over a th000 or even 2,000 at the top while everything below that drops down into say the 600s pretty quick also you can definitely see that Mastery is particularly popular and effective at the highest level right now we did think that valcona would be a top Contender probably the most popularly relevant one while warlock was to do well but it’s yeah pretty much the other way around today though we’re going to be going through every Mastery how it’s ranking based on this source so with all that explained let’s get started going class by and covering each Mastery let’s start with the beastly showing of and to my surprise the most class in the top rankings of Arena right now is also one of the powerful warlock dominated the soft car solo showings of Arena at the very top here is this player C kyber with an insane Arena wave score of over 2,200 at this under we have many more warlocks though with in at second place with 1,600 plus fourth down is nearly a half it’s a pretty big gap and as we scroll the acolyte showings it is roughly 90% warlock players using similar build Concepts the two main builds into that fic concept whether you’re leaning into torment specifically the top spot has actually been swapping between both so it’s hard to gauge which is better but it’s obvious that both very reliable for its insane AOE DPS potential while being very evasive as long as you your resources and manage everything well so to say the least warlock is dominating but what about the other two Necromancer and Lich well while 90% do appear to be warlocks Necromancer is actually second with no spots taken by the Lich and say the top 50 cite players Necromancer was expected to very strong going into especially with her explosive wraith build with the insane AOE potential of that and our current top is Newman here with score of over 800 Arena waves at the moment that puts them at fourth place for acolyte as a whole and fifth on the overall board for all masteries that’s a really good showing it’s clearly very competitive it’s not like behind the it’s just warlock is way more popular in terms of builds there’s an impressive amount ofet iety depending on whether you’re using dread and infernal shades are you summoning Abominations and regular and Mage skeletons are you running the standard volatile zombies for explosive wraith concept it looks like the top necromancers using quite a variety which is really nice to see Lich on the hand only has a top score of over 200 on those wave with many more showings around 200 or below which like half of the necromancer’s score is that while Lich is by no weak it seems it doesn’t quite compare to the raw power of the Necromancer and even more so the Warlock many the top litches are using a death seal build if not otherwise the build on their reperform with different skills around that while it’s both solid and in single Target it seems up close intense play doesn’t have the same draw right now to the clear power of the other two so for acolyte warlock is standing clearly at the top with Necromancer not far behind it and Lich below that although in good standing and very strong next up though let’s Rogue with this ridiculously strong and very popular new Mastery Falconer at clear top ranking wise Falcon is the most popular pick with top players ranked in Arena but also seemingly the most popular Mastery in the game right now despite that falcona currently takes third with a score of over 1,100 the next Falconer is down at Ninth with more and more into list all in that top 50 between the ballista and umra Blades versions of the you have hyper fast movement incredible damage and also for a rogue can be pretty survivable it is a play style that doesn’t seem to have a weak thing that it can focus great in AOE single Target speed clear and because of that also leveling was definitely predicted to overtuned 1.0 and with its new fun design I think was expected to be very popular so it’s not been surprising see how it is it’s just surprising to see compared to warlock seems like warlock’s actually winning now compared to the falconer we can’t really Place blade dancer or maxman the other in terms of second or third place for row technically right now a blade dancer has cleared 289 waves and a maximum below that at 284 there’s only five between them they’re definitely a able to change you can definitely see they’re going to push more than that it’s just clearly the falconer is well above both of them but it’s interesting because Marksman and blade dancer are super good they’re both incredibly quick maxman can dumpster in single Target fly through packs blade dancers considered one of fastest leveling masteries you can pick right now if you’re doing speedr running so overall I would put them both at pretty much the same level just noticeably below falcona which is just insane at this time moving on to the third for the masteries these rankings we have the Mages which just sneak their way into the 50 thanks to the player cat which is incredible name using Rune master of course as the Mastery run master was predicted to be one of the best masteries overall going into 1.0 even after the Nerfs that they in that patch it’s also the most popular Mastery for majes and has been pretty much the case since its release largely because its raw power but also mechanically interesting gameplay the you need to do things and cast skills in the right order to then successfully invoke correctly at the end it adds a lot of dep for the game play that no other Mastery really offers at this time and with it being more complicated because of that it’s like they have to make it stronger to make up for it being you know quite involved to play currently our top Rune master has cleared 400 waves as I video which is significantly more than say Marksman and blade dancers who just below 300 we just mentioned in fact the top seven Rune Masters in the arena rankings are above 300 now so it’s good showing more interesting and less clearly known though is which of the other two masteries for Mages is doing well right now it seems that clearly sorcerer is the better pick which you know works great as a Mastery just overshadowed by Master the top cleared 274 waves with a good few other sorcerers 200 above or below that honestly Sorcerers kick ass in say the leveling phase they’re still fantastic in game will have no problem clearing anything in the like all masteries really but you don’t have as many people interested in the Mastery because the playing say Rune Masters there’s a lot less results in the rankings that’s also very much shown with the other Mage master three the spell Blade with their top clears being sub 200 right now it was predicted going into 1.0 that the rankings would look exactly like this run being a top te Mastery overall compared to every Mastery and then sorcerer being solid but below that and spellblade being below both of them so been reflected these rankings so next we have my class of choice The Sentinel which remains a pretty popular pick between its Paladin and void Knight masteries sadly though Sentinel does not make it into the top 50 right now it’s not until the 54th slot where we have our one a void Knight By the Fantastic name of chicken who cleared just shy 400 waves so far that’s only just behind the Rune Masters by the way the Gap is lot smaller than I expected we have to shoot down to 109th Place to see our next Sentinel a paladin by name of lfer with over 300 waves between the two a lot less of a gap compared to other classes masteries a Knight is running that Perma spin path build though war path is usually a void night thing and allows for infinite spinning off gameplay while you just worry about managing your health and mana and get your Echoes out to everywhere this classic spin to win and it’s proven to be good both single Target and AOE so works well in the arena but personally I don’t think it’s the most engaging gam playay under that we have Paladin which in case is using the new Healing Hand skill tree I mentioned it appears to be the impressive healing wind style build where smiting targets from far and that’s proing Healing Hands around that Smite big damage in AOE and really good single Target as with lots of healing for survivability playing around your Mana to increase the DPS if you’re say the devotion unique amulet below those have different like someone using Shield rush or a javelin build or even a hammer build or a r build so it’s really cool to …


see how many Paladin build options are right now in the top rankings clearly they’re very competitive with another so it’s a great time for Paladin variety however as completely expected the much less popular Forge guard which is the least popular Mastery of the time right now as clears about half the rankings of the other Sentinel masteries 160 waves currently it’s lower on the list Paladin just offers a lot more variety new options void is just raw strong right now so the state of the Mastery right now and how it’s been for a bit I am expecting it to get buffed at some but now we have our last class to talk about the Primal list which is currently listed as the least popular class overall does that mean it’s absolutely not in fact it’s only just below our void Knight at 54 down at 61 with a clear of 378 waves only 18 behind this cleared by padder a druid player but if we scroll down on the list rank 100 you actually a few more Primal two Masters both with over 300 waves cleared even the right behind that still over 300 wave clears there so it’s pretty damn balanced for a class the three masteries all doing very good Druid though which has a top for the class masteries we see an interesting combo of Werebear and sprig and form around Maelstrom war cry and ATT s’s blessing Druid players are to to drop comments about what this build is cuz I’m definitely more aware of say wear bear and swipe compared to that but we do have different players below a them using the Swarm blade form ring and tornadoes the lightning base builds which very tanky straightforward to play though a bit slower movement speed wise very reliable so it’s no surprise really that there are many different Druids in different builds that are doing really second place for class though barely above third was Master there’s been some exciting changes for their based stuff AKA squirrel once you get the unique but actually a totem build that’s second and third for Beast Masters right now these rankings all three are using frenzy totems earthquakes swipes to kind of ball their through the arena with the really quick attack speed that offers still it’s not like the wolf builds are far behind they’re like fifth 6th eth ninth 10th and so on there’s a lot of them and they are doing very well below both through and Beast Master though Shaman but just barely just a few wave clears below the others these are often spron based between the form and and the summons around storm and Thorn totems the idea is to spreading lots of range attacks from those totems is extremely reliable in whatever content you’re going to focus because it’s really easy to play and very survivable the is that it seems to be a bit slower needs the summons to alive for the DPS but overall it is to see how close this as a class primalist its masteries are compared to one another Druid stands out above the other two but only just so it’s pretty closely matched but yeah there you have it that’s our overview of the current standings the power rankings based on that Source obviously take it with grain of salt there’s very few masteries that are noticeably weaker than the rest but it does go to us that warlocks are both popular and very strong right now followed by falconers Rune Masters are down just below that with void Knights Druids Beast Masters paladins and so on following on behind I hope this was interesting and maybe useful and a big thank you and props the last Epoch tools website as a resource that we could look at for a video like this until next though I’ve been Hollow you been new for watching Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice to look into faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the whole world our stage is uh goodbye

Key Takeaways

  • Rankings based on Arena wave scores provide insight into the strongest masteries
  • Warlocks are currently dominating the rankings with a high percentage of top players utilizing this mastery
  • Falconer and Rune Master are also popular choices and have secured top rankings in the current meta
  • Sorcerer, Beastmaster, Paladin, and Druid all have viable options but are not as popular as the top masteries
  • Primalist masteries show balance with multiple viable options and competitive rankings


Why are Warlocks dominating the rankings?

Warlocks are currently popular and very strong in the game, with a high percentage of top players utilizing this mastery to achieve high wave scores in the Arena.

What makes Falconer and Rune Master stand out?

Falconer and Rune Master have shown strong performances in the rankings, with high wave scores and a significant number of top players utilizing these masteries, showcasing their effectiveness in the current meta.


In conclusion, the current power rankings for every Mastery provide valuable insight into the meta of Last Epoch. While warlocks currently dominate the rankings, other masteries such as Falconer, Rune Master, and Necromancer also showcase their strength in the game. The diverse options for players across different masteries contribute to a balanced and competitive landscape in Last Epoch. Thank you to the Last Epoch tools website for providing valuable data for this analysis.

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