"Self-found gear, no LP twisted heart needed, generating insane ward, tanky as ever, no mana trouble. Frostclaw build is the real deal. Flexibility in gear choices is key. Let’s make this realistic and show you how to rock it like a pro 🤘"

The text provides a detailed guide to the Frostclaw build in a video game, focusing on the self-found gear and emphasizing the sustainability of mana. It also includes information on gear, skills, and alternative options for the build.

Mana Cost Analysis 📊

The author explains how to use a spreadsheet tool to analyze the net mana cost per cast to sustain mana with the Frostclaw build. The tool helps players understand their mana cost issues and optimize their build for sustainable mana usage.

"So you can see here with my current setup I’m at a net cost of -1.4 that is because I recover on average 21.6 and I spend 23 uh so what I have is I have two Idols with 14% efficiency I have one point in Solarity uh so here let’s go to the go to the tree so I only have one point here because I don’t have levels on my Twisted heart and this is all you need to sustain you need minus three here 3 three gift of winter one point here and then all of these nodes which give you more cast which proc gift of winter so here is what that looks like in here you can see if you do not have a point of Solarity your net Mana will be about minus 3.5 with 5ish cast per second you’ll be at negative about 18 Mana per second so pretty unsustainable so this is very important that you have this same with the idle if you only have one 20 Mana per second negative this is very very hard to to make up with Mana regen so just keep that in mind I don’t actually have any Mana regen on my gear other than what comes on the uniques just that’s pretty much it and that’s all you need um yeah so anyway back to the build"

Insane Ward Generation 🛡️

The build is highlighted for its ability to generate a substantial amount of ward, making it extremely tanky in higher corruption levels. A clip showing 65.5K ward being reached during a fight against a corrupted Emperor demonstrates the impressive ward generation of the build.

Gear and Alternatives 🛠️

Detailed information is provided about the essential gear for the Frostclaw build, with a strong emphasis on the importance of specific stats and rolls on various items. Additionally, alternative gear options are suggested for those who may not have access to the recommended gear.

Skills and Variants ⚔️

The text provides a comprehensive overview of the skills needed for the build, focusing on their importance for mana sustain, damage output, and defensive capabilities. It also mentions alternative variations of the build, including the Frostbite variant and a claw version using lightning blast.


The Frostclaw build is presented as a viable option for players looking for a sustainable and tanky build, especially for self-found gear players. The guide offers in-depth analysis and valuable insights to help players optimize their build for effective gameplay.

Key Takeaways 🌟

  • Utilize the spreadsheet tool to analyze net mana cost per cast for sustainability.
  • Prioritize gear with specific stats for optimal performance of the Frostclaw build.
  • Explore alternative gear and skill options for customization and experimentation.


Q: Is it necessary to have an LP Twisted Heart for the Frostclaw build?
A: It is explained that an LP Twisted Heart is not necessary for mana sustain in the build, offering alternative strategies for sustainability.

Useful Links 🔗

  • Video guide on the Frostclaw build
  • Frostbite variant by beina
  • Claw version using lightning blast by Ali

Remember, craft your build wisely and enjoy the gameplay! 🎮

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