Patch 1.0.4 hits hard! 🛠️ No more self-stunning glitches, no XP during grace period, and bye-bye power-leveling tricks! 🚫🎮 Tempest Strike tweaks are in, thanks to Perry the Pig’s list. 🐷💥 Healing Hands now plays with fire, sparking potential belt combos. 🔥💼 Explosive Ballista’s AOE got reined in—no more screen-clearing madness! 🏹🚫📺 Experiment away, but watch for more changes!

🛠️ Patch Notes Highlights

Moving over to the document, here are some of the notable updates from Patch 1.0.4:

  • Fixed bug where players could be stunning themselves
  • Players can no longer gain experience while in the grace period

⚔️ Tempest Strike Changes

There are a handful of things relating to Tempest strike, including:

  • Perry the pig compiling a list of Tempest strike related issues
  • Healing Hands was not getting the fire tag, enabling new interactions

💣 Explosive Ballista Build Fix

The biggest point of the entire patch is the fix for the exploding ballista build. The AOE was getting out of hand, but now it’s been addressed. Players are encouraged to try out the changes and provide feedback.

🗨️ Share Your Thoughts

There aren’t many major changes this time around, so if you think anything important was missed, feel free to leave a comment.

That’s a wrap for this TLDR overview of Patch 1.0.4! Cheers!

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