Legendary Potential Prophecies? More like Legendary Potential Rip-offs! Despite the hype, these costly prophecies don’t deliver the goods. Skip the 1 LP roll? Skip these prophecies altogether. Save your favor for better bets. LP prophecies might sound cool, but they’re just a flashy scam. Stick to the basics, folks! 💸🚫 #NotWorthIt


Hey folks, today I’m bringing you another Last Epoch science video! This time, another one by popular request. If you enjoy videos like these, please hit the Subscribe button to join the Spreadsheet Warrior Army, and hopefully, we can continue to learn things about the game together. Today, we’re going to be talking about the legendary potential prophecies and whether or not they are worth using, and potential situations where they may be okay to use.

The Prophecy List 📜

Here is the prophecy list I’ve provided before. If you want to see every Prophecy in the game, go check this out! Let’s filter by LP…

Item Type Prophesies
Belt 1LP Prophecy
Body Armor 1LP Prophecy
Boots 1LP Prophecy
Gloves 1LP Prophecy
Helmet 1LP Prophecy
Shield 1LP Prophecy
Amulet 1LP Prophecy
Relic 1LP Prophecy

From the items that do not have their own prophecy, such as one-handed weapons, two-handed weapons, bows, quivers, catalyst, and rings, it is probably not worth doing, unless you want multiple different things from the total pool.

LP Potential 🌟

The first question you probably have (and the most important one to answer) is, can the 1 LP profit actually drop more than one LP? I believe there was a statement by EHG or maybe it was Mike on one of the dev streams saying that the 1LP prophecies basically just skip the first roll for 1 LP and then it will continue to roll for higher LP as normal. I went out and got a bunch of LP prophecies and tested whether or not they can actually drop 2LP…

LP Prophecy Testing Result 🧪

As soon as I started testing, I pretty much immediately confirmed they can drop higher than 1 LP. I spent about 450,000 favor in total during the test, and here are the results:

  • Six 2 LP Rings out of 32
  • No 3 LPs or 4 LPs

This doesn’t seem to indicate that the LP prophecies have any bonus or anything that gives them a higher chance of higher LP.

The Cost Efficiency of LP Prophecies 💰

I put together a spreadsheet on the LP prophecies. The average favor costs per unique item for 1 LP prophecies are much higher than non-1 LP prophecies. Additionally, most of the high LP level items are not actually relevant for these prophecies, making them not cost-effective. For example, the 1LP prophecy is 25 times as expensive per item than the non-1 LP prophecy, making it pretty terrible.


If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I’ve spent favor on these prophecies so you don’t have to. If there’s anything you think I missed, please let me know. Hope you guys enjoyed the video, and as always, I will see you in the next one! Cheers.

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