"Dive bomb Falconer build is still hitting for thousands of damage in high corruption playay. It’s great for both bossing and speed farming, but not recommended for arena pushing. The build offers a lot of damage reduction and movement, making it a solid choice for tough encounters. With the right gear, you can hit millions of damage every hit. Stay tuned for more gameplay tips! 🎮"

Dive into the Falconer Build for Last Epoch 1.0! 🦅

Borman presents the Dive Bomb Falconer build, a powerful choice for both speed farming and bossing in the end game. This build offers high damage potential, along with a substantial amount of damage reduction and maneuverability. Read on to learn more about the skills, passives, and strategies for mastering the Dive Bomb Falconer in Last Epoch.

Key Takeaways

Before diving into the details, here are some key takeaways for the Dive Bomb Falconer build:

  • The build excels in both bossing and speed farming but may not be as effective for arena pushing.
  • It offers significant damage reduction, including 100% glancing blow and 35% damage reduction.
  • The build focuses on boosting the Falcon’s damage, scaling with attacks used and various modifiers inside the skill tree.

Skills Breakdown

For this build, the primary skills include Aerial Assault, Dive, and Explosive Trap, along with specific enhancements for Falconer. The unique bow "Veiler" is utilized to boost the Falcon’s damage potential and enhance scaling modifiers within the skill tree.

Falconer Enhancements

The Falconer’s damage is significantly boosted by specific enhancements within the skill tree, including:

  • Critical Strike Chance
  • Critical Multiplier
  • Melee Damage Multiplier
  • Area of Effect Increase

Passives and Abilities

The Dive Bomb Falconer build utilizes a combination of passives and abilities that enhance damage output, maneuverability, and defensive capabilities. Notable passives include:

  • Increased Falcon Damage
  • Cooldown Reduction for Skills
  • Enhanced Bow Damage
  • Increased Falcon Critical Strike Chance and Multiplier

Gear and Inventory

Optimal gear for the Dive Bomb Falconer build includes the unique bow "Veiler" and specific affixes tailored to enhance critical strike chance and melee damage for the Falcon. Additionally, the use of specific idols to boost minion strike chance and critical strike multiplier is essential for maximizing the build’s potential.

Gameplay Strategy

The gameplay strategy involves utilizing a combination of skills, traps, and the Falcon’s attacks to achieve maximum damage output. Auto-casting Aerial Assault and Dive Bomb, along with strategic use of Explosive Trap and Smoke Bomb, are crucial components of the gameplay strategy.


The Dive Bomb Falconer build in Last Epoch 1.0 offers a dynamic and powerful playstyle, combining speed farming efficiency with potent bossing capabilities. With careful utilization of skills, passives, and gear enhancements, players can harness the full potential of the Falconer build for an exhilarating gameplay experience.


Q: What types of affixes should I look for on gear to optimize the Dive Bomb Falconer build?

A: Aim for affixes that boost critical strike chance, critical strike multiplier, and melee damage for the Falcon, along with specific bonuses to enhance damage output and maneuverability.

Q: What is the recommended gameplay strategy for the Dive Bomb Falconer build?

A: Utilize high-mobility skills such as Aerial Assault and Dive, along with strategic placement of Explosive Trap and Smoke Bomb to maximize damage output and defensive capabilities.

🌟 Happy Falconer Gaming! 🌟

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