Dagger Falconer just hit immortal status. We’ve created an abomination of a build that does thousands of DPS and makes bosses look like a joke. By stacking smoke bombs, we’ve achieved infinitely scaling damage and EHP. Even with upcoming patches, this build remains unbeatable. Get ready for the ultimate boss-melting experience! #OP #InfinityDPS 😎

The Unbelievable Power of a Balanced Build 💪

In the recent days, there have been explosive changes in the game that have not only broken the game but have also brought Falconer into the spotlight. The newly optimized build now features a throwing dagger with a shield, critical strike, and stacking minion spell damage. This combination results in an abomination of a build that has perplexed the gaming community. Falconer’s ability to deal thousands of damage effortlessly has elevated the gameplay to new heights.

An Unbalanced Skill Tree: The Bugs, The Fixes, and The Trials 🐞

The skill tree for Falconer is essentially a mess that needs a massive overhaul. The first and foremost issue that players are encountering is the inconsistency in the functionality of the Die Bomb skill. While some have managed to make the die bomb work efficiently, others are faced with perplexing bugs that seem to have no logical explanation. The disparity in the results has led to numerous theories and testing, ultimately leading to an understanding that the skill tree is in dire need of attention and recoding.

Navigating Through the Thorny Path of Die Bomb Optimizations 🌟

The journey towards optimizing the die bomb has been filled with trials and errors. Players have discovered that the manipulation of various nodes within the skill tree can significantly impact the effectiveness of the die bomb. Manipulating nodes such as Wings of Shadows and Rushing Wings has been the key to unlocking the potential damage output of the die bomb.

Maximizing Shadow Generation and Enhanced Damage Output 🗡️

By strategically allocating points to Wings of Shadows, players are able to leverage the generation of Shadows, thereby enhancing the damage dealt by the die bomb. The subtle adjustments in the skill tree have led to a better understanding of the mechanics and intricacies of Falconer’s abilities, ultimately resulting in a substantial increase in damage output.

The Art of Finessing the Die Bomb: Critical Vulnerability and Featherfall 🪶

The optimization process for the die bomb involves a meticulous breakdown of critical vulnerability stacks and the strategic allocation of points to enhance the damage potential. Additionally, the incorporation of Featherfall has added a layer of complexity to the buildup of damage, ensuring a consistent and impactful increase in overall damage output.

Unleashing Smoke Bomb’s Untapped Potential: A Game-Changer in Infinite DPS 🌌

The revelation of the Cloud Gathering node within the Smoke Bomb skill presents players with an unprecedented opportunity to stack smoke bombs, effectively amplifying the damage output and expanding the potential for infinite DPS. The strategic usage of this newfound knowledge has the potential to revolutionize gameplay dynamics and unprecedented potential to surpass all limitations.

An Unforeseen Revelation: Endless Possibilities and Enhanced EHP 🛡️

The application of these optimizations has led to an unforeseen outcome of amassing an incomprehensible amount of ward, breaking barriers, and transcending the conventional limitations of the game. The realization that this build can potentially achieve infinite damage and an unprecedented effective hit points (EHP) opens new creative doors for players to explore uncharted territories and witness the culmination of a broken build.

Ephiphany in Gameplay: A New Horizon Beckons 🌅

With the boundaries of infinite damage and EHP pushed to new dimensions, the astounding potential of this build to redefine the gaming landscape is just the tip of the iceberg. As players delve into the intricacies of this optimally crafted build, the horizon beckons with possibilities that transcend conventional expectations and pave the way for an exhilarating gaming experience.


  • How does Falconer’s build affect the overall gaming experience?
    • The build has redefined the gameplay dynamics, elevating the gaming experience to unprecedented heights.
  • What are the key takeaways from the optimized Falconer build?
    • The key takeaway is the transformative impact of optimized die bomb mechanics and the untapped potential of smoke bomb duration on infinite DPS.
  • Are there any limitations or potential fixes for this build in the future?
    • While there may be potential adjustments in the future, the current scope of the build has revolutionized gameplay and remains a cornerstone of innovation in gaming.

Innovation in gaming often arises from the unlikeliest of places, ushering in a new era of unprecedented potential and transformative experiences. The journey of the optimized Falconer build stands as a testament to the limitless possibilities and the boundless creativity that thrives within the gaming community. Here’s to embracing the broken build and embarking on a new frontier of infinite DPS and endless excitement! 🚀

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