This drain life Lich build is a real bugfest, but it’s also freakishly powerful. The Stigian Coal item and some skill tree nodes are glitchy, so it’s only doing 30% of its expected damage right now. But hey, it’s still a solid build, especially for a poison-focused setup! Take it or leave it, I’m not your boss. See ya next time! 👋

In this article, we will discuss the drain life Lich build in the video game Last Epoch. The author emphasizes that due to multiple bugs and issues with the build’s functionality, it is not recommended to play this build at the moment. Despite its potential, the build is currently only performing at 30% of its expected damage output. The primary issues stem from the new item "Stig and Coal," which drastically affects the drain life ability and its interaction with various nodes on the skill tree.

Drain Life Lich Build: A Buggy Showcase 🎮

The drain life Lich build in Last Epoch is a visually impressive yet malfunctioning character that the author has created and is experimenting with. Although it shows promise, there are significant issues affecting its performance.

Challenges with Stig and Coal

The utilization of the Stig and Coal item has led to numerous bugs within the build, causing drain life to operate differently than intended. The item changes the drain life skill from a sucking motion to a lasering one, resulting in conflicts with the nodes on the skill tree. This has led to severe reductions in damage output, making the build unreliable at best.

The Mechanics of Drain Life 🧪

The drain life ability, combined with the Stig and Coal item, results in an unusual playstyle characterized by frequent visual bugs and inconsistencies. The mechanics of the ability and its interaction with other nodes on the skill tree introduce a host of issues, such as targeting limitations and malfunctioning damage scalers.

Essential Mana Sustain

Maintaining current mana levels is crucial to the effectiveness of the build, as some nodes and abilities are dependent on the character’s current mana for damage output. This poses a challenge due to the difficulty of scaling flat mana regeneration in Last Epoch.

Strategy and Potential 📈

Despite its current shortcomings, the drain life Lich build offers potential for high damage, mobility, and survivability. The author outlines the strategic considerations and future improvements that can be made to enhance the build’s effectiveness, should the existing bugs be addressed by the game developers.

Conclusion: A Work in Progress 🛠️

The drain life Lich build presents an intriguing but problematic character in Last Epoch. While the potential for a powerful poison-based build is evident, the numerous bugs and issues currently prevent it from being a viable option for players. The author recommends exercising caution and waiting for necessary fixes before considering the build for serious gameplay.

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