The Seraphim Paladin build is a force to be reckoned with, pushing through waves of enemies like a hot knife through butter. With the right gear and stat scaling, you can reach 1000 corruption and beyond without breaking a sweat. Even if you don’t have all the perfect gear, this build is still a powerhouse. So, don’t stress out about having the perfect setup, just start with the basics and watch this build soar! 🔥🛡️

Scaling the Build: From Basics to High Corruption

The Healing Hands Paladin build uses the sif’s blade to deliver damage and Ward through Healing Hands. To start, you need about 70% cast speed, at least 80% melee Critical Strike chance, and approximately 700% healing effectiveness. Additionally, close to 2K armor is needed for a good base of damage reduction from your armor. These numbers work up to about 400 corruption.

Requirements Percentage / Amount
Cast Speed About 70%
Critical Strike Chance At least 80%
Healing Effectiveness Approximately 700%
Armor Close to 2K

Scaling from 400 to 850 Corruption

Once you reach 400 corruption, additional damage is required. Equipping a siphon of Anguish and a shattered chains combo will increase your damage. As you push up into 850 corruption, layering defenses such as scaling armor, dodge, shield, or ward retention becomes necessary.

"Layering defenses is crucial for pushing higher corruption, providing a much-needed boost in survivability."

Showcasing 1004 Corruption

At 1004 corruption, the Healing Hands Paladin build proves its effectiveness, with cleave through enemies and ward generation ranging from 30 to 65k. Utilizing quick lunge as a traversal skill further enhances the build’s ease of use.

Key Takeaways:

  • The suitability of the build even without the perfect gear.
  • Prioritizing basics such as cast speed, critical strike chance, healing effectiveness, and armor is essential.

Overcoming Gear Challenges

Lack of specific gear doesn’t hinder the build’s effectiveness, as it can still clear content with ample ward generation. While ambitious scaling goals can be set for increased corruption, starting small and progressively working towards improvement is adequate.

Basic Requirements Suggested Enhancements
Cast Speed Replace with crit multi
Critical Strike Chance Strengthen with increase crit multi for faster kills
Healing Effectiveness Focus on scaling by replacing with crit multi
Armor Consider adding a source of strength for additional armor

Selecting Unconventional Gear Choices

Choosing multistrike for body armor, despite being unusual to most people, provides a significant increase in melee damage scaling.

The Healing Hands Paladin build offers a versatile playstyle that accommodates various gear and scaling options. Starting with essential requirements and gradually enhancing gear can bring substantial improvements to the build, contributing to successful corruption pushes with the right layering of defenses. Additionally, seeking advice and optimization on Twitch alongside supportive actions like following and subscribing can further elevate the experience of using this paladin build.

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