This Lightning Frost Claw build is ridiculous! Tanky, comfortable, and absolutely fantastic to play. With Twisted heart of Vos, you can hit crazy levels of Ward and face tank bosses like a boss. You’ll need farm rain of dragons timeline for it and focus on gear for Mana sustain. Check the written guide for more details. It’s a blast to play, no pun intended! Find the build on my channel and stay safe and keep rocking! 🌩️❄️🐾 #RuneMaster #LastEpoch


Hey guys, g TV here with another YouTube video, but this time we’re going to talk about something special. Me and my team have been hard at work making a last EO Bild guide. You can find them on last- you can also just go to iin uh like this and then click on L you book up here and you’ll find a bunch of Bill guides and general guides and whatnot.

Important Reminder

Before we move into the actual guide of this build, I want to mention that sometimes the written guides will be updated before long before I even get a chance to update any videos. So, if you’re watching this further down the road, make sure you click out into the written guide link in the descriptions down below to make sure you’re following the updated version.

Build Guide Preview

As of this recording, we got a nice build guide showing you strength and cons, the skill sections, how that works set up, you have the skill tree, the entire of the passive tree set up, the skill passives with how they’re supposed to work. I’m not going to go through the guide too much, I’m going to give you a rundown of how this build works in game and just leave a link for the written guide in the descriptions below.

Detailed Explanation of the Build In-Game

This build is able to do several hundreds of levels of corruption um before any rework of that, so I’m going to show you a boss which is the rain of dragons boss. When you’re hitting something, you’ll be leeching which means you’re going to be hitting even more Ward per cast. This boss has one big AOE damage effect and you’ll be just popping everything on the screen consistently.

Impressive Ward Stats

This boss is a perfect example to show you the amount of Ward that I’m getting right now. It’s just absolutely ridiculous, absolutely fantastic to play.

Gear Farming

The items that you do want is to farm the rain of dragons timeline so that you can get the Twisted heart Kos which will allow you to do this and then once you have that, the rest of the gear you can very easily farm as the Twisted heart is just giving us this layer of Defense.

Specialized Gear and Item Farming

What’s really cool is that in here the rain of dragons you can see on the bottom side that this specific area has swords, Maes daggers, and pole arms as a specific note and that’s something we don’t want. But that means that when we do this, we’re only looking to get the 850 stability here to fight the actual boss and go ham on that and that’s basically the entirety of the play style for the early stage of playing a Build like this.

Exclusive Written Guide Details

This is the written guide so in here you have a list of the runic invocation, the way it’s been played, this is the one we’ll mostly be using and then we have a Mobility skill with a flame, flame Rush, we there a little bit of a note here about the teleport equipment the gear a we go through the list there’s more mods than you have room for so you can get some different types of approaches to it.

Customizing the Build

A great tool for this is currently last Epoch you go to resources click items, and I can look at the mirage for example and then look at telon I scroll down That’s how that works a great tool of this is currently last Epoch you go to the resources click items and I can look at the mirage for example and then look at
telon I scroll down and tons of intelligence scales your offensive skills as well as scaling your efficiency of Ward retention as it gives you ward retention as well so that’s basically how this build is played.


I did not get the Twisted heart so I want to get one with LP so the ward is absolutely fantastic just absolutely crazy how much you get I know I keep saying energy Shield all the time because I’m you know mainly been playing PO for the past decade so what’s really cool is that in here the rain of dragons you can see on the bottom side that this specific area has swords and um access Maes daggers and pole arms as a specific note and that’s something we don’t want but that means that when we do this

Key Takeaways

  • This lightning frost claw build is designed for high levels of corruption
  • The unique items required can be farmed in the rain of dragons timeline
  • The build is focused on maximizing Ward generation and sustain


Q: Can this build be used for beginners?
A: Yes, it’s very straightforward and simple to understand, making it suitable for beginners.

Remember to check out the link in the description below, let me know in the comments what you guys think of the build and don’t forget to like, subscribe and comment. See you in the next one, till then stay safe and keep rocking! 🎮🔥

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