The bleed warlock skills in Last Epoch are suffering from bugs and lack scaling capabilities, especially laceration and spirit plague. Neither more multipliers nor intelligence scaling work for these skills. This leads to a lack of endgame scaling capabilities and makes it difficult for warlocks to run anything other than torment. In contrast, bleeds applied by chaos bolts and certain skill nodes benefit from more damage multipliers and intelligence scaling, making them more reliable for endgame builds. These bugs need to be fixed to enhance build diversity for warlocks. #BuildScience #FixTheBugs #WarlockStruggles 😕

Warlock Bleed Skill Testing and Bug Finding Last Epoch 1.03

🔬 Ailments and Damage Multipliers

Hey everybody, it’s Kur and today I’m going to bless you with some bleed warlock testing that we did on a stream recently. Ailments in Last Epoch work in a unique way with skills, and I’m here to break down the specifics for you.

First off, let’s talk about the scaling of intelligence and strength with the skills. It’s important to note that while intelligence and strength scaling apply to damage, they also extend to the ailments applied by those skills. This means that the damage multipliers for the skills also affect the damage of your bleeds, so it’s crucial to understand how this interaction works.

Skill Name Damage Type Ailment Affected
Hungering Souls Intelligence Bleed
Spirit Plague Strength Bleed

🚨 Node Curiosities: Spirit Plague and Laceration

The specific nodes that piqued my interest were the Spirit Plague Laceration and Bone Curse Clove and Flesh. These skills have unique interactions with bleeds, and I was eager to put them to the test in our scientific experiments.

Node Effects
Spirit Plague Chance to apply bleed when hitting an enemy
Bone Curse Chance to cause enemies to bleed

🔎 Testing and Results

Now, let’s dive into the results of our tests. The interactions of these skills and nodes with bleeds revealed some surprising findings.

Results and Observations Conclusion
More damage multipliers that are generic do apply to ailments Skills like Hungering Souls and Bone Curse have specific interactions with bleeds, affecting their damage multipliers and scaling.
Specific more damage multipliers for Spirit Plague and Laceration do not work Surprisingly, these tailored damage multipliers did not affect the damage of the bleeds, revealing potential bugs or issues with scaling.
Intelligence scaling for Spirit Plague and Laceration does not work Despite expectations, the intelligence scaling bonuses from these skills did not seem to apply to the bleeds caused, indicating potential bugs or oversights in the game.
Increased Damage Over Time and Physical Damage scaling benefit bleeds These were the only consistent factors that positively influenced the damage of bleeds, emphasizing the importance of these damage factors in bleed warlock builds.

🛠 Bug Reporting and Build Implications

Based on our findings, we’ve initiated bug reports for the anomalies observed in the scaling of bleeds with specific skills and multipliers. It’s essential to address these issues to foster more diverse and viable builds for Warlocks in the game.

Build Recommendations Future Fixes
Torment Builds Bug fixing and skill scaling adjustments
Chaos Bolts Builds Improved scaling and multipliers for bleeds applied by Chaos Bolts
Seeking More Diversity Identifying and addressing weak scaling areas for bleed warlock builds

⚔️ Final Recommendations and Build Insights

In conclusion, our extensive testing demonstrated that certain skills and nodes in Last Epoch have inconsistencies and potential bugs, particularly regarding the scaling and multipliers for bleeds. We encourage more attention to these areas to enhance build diversity and scalability for Warlocks.

These insights also highlight the potential for Chaos Bolts and specific damage multipliers to offer more reliable and effective scaling for bleeds in Warlock builds. As the game continues to evolve, addressing these scaling irregularities will be critical for optimizing the gameplay experience for Warlock enthusiasts.

🌟 Thank you for joining us on this insightful journey! For more live build science experiments and interactions, check out my Twitch channel linked in the description below. Take care, and happy gaming!

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