Flame Reave is the 🔥 real deal, hitting 2 mil crits with ease. Inspired by Force Indie, we tweaked the build and ramped up the damage. The ring is key, boosting the half-moon Nova into a fiery frenzy. Mana management is a challenge, but worth it for the epic damage. No bugs, just pure 🔥 power. Part one, with more to come. Stay tuned for the next level! #LastEpoch #BuildGuide 🎮

Introduction 🔥

So welcome back to the channel. We’ve decided to use a bit of inspiration from a guy called Force Indie on YouTube and recreate his build using flame Reeve. Now we’ve managed to make it so that we’re critting for r two mil on a training dummy.

  • Spellblade and Flame Reeve
  • Inspired by Force Indie on YouTube

The Inspiration Behind the Build 💡

I actually had a Spell blade lying around and I wanted to use flame Reeve with this ring. I found out two lp1 I made a Spell blade and then we realized that it costs too much mana. So, we just made a second Shaman actually until we saw this Brazilian guy, Force Indie, he made a really cool build that I liked the look of. We changed a lot of items, obviously, it’s not perfect yet, so this is part one.

Spellblade Flame Reeve
Second Shaman Brazilian Inspiration

Understanding Flame Reave 🌙

Flame Ree is the spell that you saw that to point 4 mil. It’s the ring without the ring. Flame reave looks like a half moon Nova thing. The ring makes it go around. The reason why the damage goes up and down is because we need to build stacks.

  • Flame Reeve Mechanics
  • Building Stacks with Fire Brand

Showcasing the Incredible Damage 💥

I did a little bit of shorts before this build guide showing off how insane the damage actually could be. So, let’s say we’re facing a jeweler boss and you build up a couple of stacks, you hit those and boom! 1.4 mil there and you only need six stacks to achieve this kind of damage.

Incredible Damage Showcase

The Power of the Build 🌟

The damage numbers are pretty decent. You don’t even have to build up max stacks against trash mobs. You can just casually roll through the map and just mow everything down.

  • High Damage Output
  • Dealing with Trash Mobs

Addressing the Downsides ⚔️

As far as I’ve gotten right now, since I’m using a two-handed weapon, you’re quite weak if you’re not building up enough Ward so 1.8k and around 700 W. You’re quite weak if you’re not building up enough Ward.

Downsides to the Build

Recommended Gear and Improvements 🛡️

There are pieces here that we can actually change around or if you want to give it a try yourself. It’s actually not too bad of a character to level up with. We want the attack speed to hit fast especially this, you want to hit as fast as you can.

  • Recommended Gear
  • Building a Strong Character


The build guide is the first of probably two parts. We’ll see how far we will take this. Before we end this video, I’d just like to show you a T3 kill of je that we’ve managed to do. So, thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe!


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