πŸ”₯ Unstoppable Paladin Build Update πŸ”₯

Shifting gears to a mind-blowing 561 corruption, our Healing Hands Paladin Build is on fire! Swapping vengeance for sarif’s blade adds pre-battle ward generation. Plus, snagged babel reversal for a whopping 60% damage boost and 30% global attack speed. With cast speed scaling, we’re unstoppable, hitting 7 times per second! πŸ’₯

Summary πŸ“

The update to the Healing Hands Paladin Build in Last Epoch has pushed the corruption level to 561, introducing significant changes. With Healing Hands now cast via Sarif’s Blade, players gain access to Ward generation before battles. Additionally, an extra skill slot is unlocked due to the removal of Vengeance, now filled with Baleful Reversal, offering a substantial damage multiplier and global attack speed increase. This adjustment enhances the build’s attack speed, crucial for its effectiveness in combat.

Introduction πŸ”

The Healing Hands Paladin Build in Last Epoch has undergone a notable update, elevating its corruption level to 561. This enhancement introduces strategic changes, optimizing the build’s performance in battle. By casting Healing Hands through Sarif’s Blade, players can preemptively generate Ward, fortifying their defenses before engaging enemies. Furthermore, the replacement of Vengeance with Baleful Reversal opens up an additional skill slot, facilitating a more versatile combat approach.

Build Adjustments and Scaling πŸ› οΈ

Gear Optimization and Scaling

The shift from attack speed to cast speed proves advantageous, aligning with the mechanics of Sarif’s Blade, despite its classification as a melee spell in-game. This transition enhances the build’s scalability, with cast speed bonuses obtained from various gear pieces and passive skill tree allocations. Notably, the increased cast speed amplifies the frequency of attacks, synergizing effectively with the build’s mechanics.

Gear Piece Attribute
Gloves Cast Speed
Relic Cast Speed
Passive Skills Cast Speed bonuses
Poar and Volatile Reversal Cast Speed modifiers

The transition from attack speed to cast speed enhances the build’s scalability, amplifying the frequency of attacks and optimizing combat efficiency.

Skill and Passive Tree Optimization

Strategic allocation of skill points and passive tree enhancements contribute significantly to the build’s efficacy. By prioritizing skills such as Baleful Reversal and Divine Barrier, players bolster their offensive capabilities and defensive resilience, respectively. Moreover, adjustments to passive tree allocations, such as the inclusion of Blade Master, further optimize cast speed, amplifying the build’s overall performance.

Skill/Passive Enhancement
Baleful Reversal Damage multiplier and global attack speed increase
Divine Barrier Ward generation and defensive capabilities
Blade Master Cast speed augmentation

Strategic skill and passive tree allocations enhance offensive capabilities and defensive resilience, culminating in a formidable combat presence.

Gear and Idols 🏹

Notable Gear Enhancements

Gear modifications play a pivotal role in optimizing the Healing Hands Paladin Build. Noteworthy enhancements include the incorporation of Fire Penetration and Shred Armor idols, augmenting the build’s offensive prowess. Additionally, gear choices such as the Bone Amulet and Solarum Steps contribute to the build’s overall effectiveness, providing essential bonuses to critical attributes.

Gear Enhancement Impact
Fire Penetration/Shred Armor idols Offensive augmentation
Bone Amulet Critical attribute bonuses
Solarum Steps Enhanced effectiveness

Strategic gear enhancements fortify the build’s offensive capabilities and essential attribute bonuses, maximizing combat effectiveness.

Frostbite Shackles and Future Enhancements

Frostbite Shackles emerge as a crucial addition to the build, promising substantial Ward retention and cold resistance scaling. Future enhancements aim to further optimize the build’s performance, with a focus on legendary potential acquisitions and gear adjustments. The iterative refinement process underscores the dynamic nature of the build’s evolution.

Enhancement Purpose
Frostbite Shackles Ward retention and cold resistance scaling
Legendary Potential Acquisitions Optimization and versatility

Anticipated enhancements, including Frostbite Shackles and legendary potential acquisitions, signify the ongoing evolution and refinement of the build.

Conclusion πŸŽ‰

In conclusion, the update to the Healing Hands Paladin Build in Last Epoch marks a significant milestone, elevating its corruption level to 561. Through meticulous adjustments to gear, skills, and passive tree allocations, players enhance the build’s offensive capabilities and defensive resilience. Anticipated enhancements, such as Frostbite Shackles and legendary potential acquisitions, herald a promising future for the build’s continued evolution.

Key Takeaways πŸš€

  • Transition from attack speed to cast speed optimizes combat efficiency.
  • Strategic gear enhancements fortify offensive capabilities and attribute bonuses.
  • Anticipated additions, including Frostbite Shackles, signify ongoing build refinement.


Q: How does the transition from attack speed to cast speed impact the build’s performance?
A: The shift enhances combat efficiency, amplifying the frequency of attacks and optimizing overall scalability.

Q: What are the notable gear enhancements introduced in the update?
A: Notable enhancements include Fire Penetration and Shred Armor idols, augmenting offensive prowess, and essential attribute bonuses from gear choices like the Bone Amulet and Solarum Steps.

Q: What future enhancements are anticipated for the build?
A: Frostbite Shackles emerge as a crucial addition, promising substantial Ward retention and cold resistance scaling, alongside further optimizations through legendary potential acquisitions.

By implementing these adjustments and enhancements, players can maximize the effectiveness of the Healing Hands Paladin Build in Last Epoch, ensuring a formidable presence in combat encounters. For further insights and real-time adjustments, viewers are encouraged to engage with the creator via Twitch and YouTube channels, fostering a collaborative community dedicated to build optimization and gameplay refinement.

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