Void Knight Autobomber is now immortal with the new Healing Hands passive tree, making it substantially tankier with the ability to gain thousands of Ward consistently. By stacking healing effess, you can make this build nearly immortal, and focus on maximizing your cas speed to scale both DPS and tankiness. This build just needed more tankiness, and now it’s got it in spades. Amazing buff for Void Knight Autobomber! 🛡️

How to Make Your Void Knight Tankier with Healing Hands 🌟

The Void Knight has always been a formidable force in Last Epoch, boasting high damage and great clear. However, its squishiness has held it back from reaching higher levels of corruption. With the release of the new Healing Hands passive tree, Void Knight Autobomber builds can now achieve immortality on the battlefield.

💥 The Issue of Squishiness in Void Knight

The Void Knight’s low health pool has always been a concern, limiting its ability to push into high corruption levels. While it can dish out tremendous damage and clear efficiently, its survivability has been lacking. This has hampered its potential as a top-tier class in Last Epoch.

Key Takeaways:

  • Void Knight’s tankiness has held it back from pushing into higher corruption levels.
  • Healing Hands passive tree offers a solution to this issue.
  • Scaling vitality and healing effectiveness greatly improves survivability.

⚔️ Gaining Immense Tankiness with Healing Hands

The new Healing Hands passive tree grants Void Knights the ability to gain hundreds of Ward every time they Smite. With this setup, the character can consistently hold thousands of Ward, providing incredible tankiness against bosses and enemies. By stacking healing effectiveness through gear and passives, players can push their Ward numbers to new heights, reaching near-immortality on the battlefield.

Key Takeaways:

  • Smite now grants hundreds of Ward with each use, enhancing tankiness.
  • Stacking healing effectiveness greatly increases survivability.
  • Ward numbers can be pushed to near-immortality levels with the right gear and passives.

🛠️ Building Your Immortal Void Knight

The secret to achieving immortality lies in utilizing the Healing Hands passive tree and synergizing it with other skills and nodes in the Void Knight build. By incorporating Healing Hands for mobility and leveraging unique item modifiers such as low life rolls, players can transform their characters into nearly invincible forces on the battlefield.

Key Takeaways:

  • Utilizing Healing Hands for mobility and tankiness.
  • Incorporating low life rolls to maximize the power of Healing Hands.
  • Optimizing gear and skill tree to achieve near-immortality.

⚙️ Fine-Tuning Your Build for Maximum Tankiness

To fully harness the potential of the Healing Hands passive tree, players need to fine-tune their build by adjusting skill trees and selecting the right passives. By strategically allocating points and synergizing with other supportive nodes, players can elevate their Ward generation to unparalleled levels, making their Void Knight builds virtually unkillable.

Key Takeaways:

  • Optimizing the skill tree for enhanced healing effectiveness and Ward generation.
  • Leveraging additional passives to further boost tankiness.
  • Achieving near-immortality through meticulous build adjustments.

🌟 Harnessing the Power of Immortality

By embracing the new possibilities offered by the Healing Hands passive tree, Last Epoch players can now transform their Void Knight Autobomber builds into virtually immortal forces on the battlefield. With the right gear, skill tree adjustments, and strategic utilization of Healing Hands, players can push their characters to unprecedented levels of tankiness, paving the way for greater success in challenging endgame content.

Key Takeaways:

  • Healing Hands transforms Void Knight builds into nearly invincible forces.
  • Strategic utilization of gear and passives maximizes tankiness.
  • Immortality opens up new possibilities for conquering challenging content.

FAQ: Achieving Immortality in Last Epoch

Q: What gear and passives are essential for maximizing the tankiness of a Void Knight Autobomber build?

A: Utilizing items with healing effectiveness modifiers, low life rolls, and synergistic passives such as Guardians Chant are crucial for achieving near-immortality.

Q: How does Healing Hands rework the playstyle of Void Knight builds?

A: Healing Hands enhances mobility, survivability, and overall tankiness, allowing Void Knight builds to navigate challenging encounters with ease and confidence.

Q: Will the updated build guide and loot filter be available for players to access?

A: Yes, the updated resources will be made available in the description, providing comprehensive guidance for optimizing Void Knight Autobomber builds for immortality.

Conclusion: Embracing Immortality in Last Epoch

With the introduction of the Healing Hands passive tree and the strategic utilization of its synergies, Void Knight Autobomber builds can now achieve unparalleled levels of tankiness, paving the way for conquering high-corruption content and challenging endgame encounters. By capitalizing on the power of Healing Hands and embracing near-immortality, players can take their Last Epoch experience to new heights, ushering in a new era of resilience and success.

Key Takeaways:

  • Healing Hands empowers Void Knight builds with near-immortality.
  • Conquering high-corruption content becomes attainable with enhanced survivability.
  • Embracing immortality opens up new possibilities for Last Epoch players.

In summary, the Void Knight Autobomber build in Last Epoch has received a significant boost to its tankiness with the introduction of the Healing Hands passive tree. By leveraging the power of Ward generation, healing effectiveness, and strategic synergies, players can now transform their characters into nearly invincible forces on the battlefield. Embracing immortality opens up new doors for conquering high-corruption content and facing challenging endgame encounters in Last Epoch.

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