The Frost Claw Elemental Nova sorcerer build is a blast to play. It’s all about high cast speed, solid defenses, and massive AOE damage. You’ll be crowd controlling enemies and obliterating them left and right. Compared to other sorcerer builds, this one is far more fun and still great for clearing corruption. With the right setup, you can generate an insane amount of Ward and become a tanky powerhouse. So, if you’re looking for a build that’s both effective and enjoyable, this is it. 🌪️🔥🧊



The Frost Claw Elemental Nova Sorcerer is one of the top builds for this Mastery in Last Epoch. It offers high cast speed, solid defenses, good mobility, massive AOE damage, and effective crowd control. Compared to other versions of the sorcerer, this build is far more fun and is capable of clearing a decent corruption void.

Key Takeaways

Here are the key features of this build:

  • High cast speed
  • Solid defenses
  • Good mobility
  • Massive AOE damage
  • Effective crowd control


Celestial Conflux and Ward Generation

The first node in Frost Claw is Celestial Conflux, which gives you a 42% chance to cast Elemental Nova when Frost Claw reaches the target. The second node allows Frost Claw to generate Ward per freeze rate multiplier, which can be further increased using frostbite shackles. This build is capable of keeping up with a ward per second and ward for missing health versions with top gear.

Ward Generation Table

Node Percentage
Celestial Conflux 42%
Ward Generation 40%
Freeze Rate Multiplier Increased ward generation

Gear Setup and Optimization

For cast speed, it’s recommended to pick up Mad Alchemist Ladle that has legendary potential. Additionally, the off-hand and relic should also be focused on increasing cast speed. The use of elder eye relic for increased cold damage, chill, and freeze rate multiplier is also recommended.

Gear Table

Gear Recommendation
Mad Alchemist Ladle Increased cast speed
Elder Eye relic Increased cold damage, chill, and freeze rate multiplier


Defensive Skills and Utility

Flame Rush is used as a traversal skill and to cast static orb, which procs lightning aegis and provides 50% increased lightning damage and 25% reduced damage. Flame Ward is also an essential skill for increasing defensive capabilities.

Defensive Utility Quote

"Flame Ward and Flame Rush are essential skills for increasing defensive capabilities."


Advanced Tips and Strategies

The build’s tankiness allows for effective traversal and nuking down enemies. Utilizing Elemental Nova for regenerating mana and ward as well as mastering flame rush and teleport are key to maximizing the build’s efficiency.

Advanced Strategy List

  • Utilize Elemental Nova for regenerating mana and ward
  • Master flame rush and teleport for efficient traversal


Gear Optimization and Advanced Techniques

Adorned Arcane Idols with ward retention and increased cold resist are recommended for increasing defense. Additionally, picking up intelligence and spell damage will help scale the offensive attacks.

Advanced Techniques Table

Technique Recommendation
Adorned Arcane Idols Ward retention, increased cold resist
Intelligence and Spell Damage Scaling offensive attacks


Final Thoughts

The Frost Claw Elemental Nova Sorcerer build offers a unique and enjoyable playstyle while maintaining effective corruption clearing capabilities. This build is recommended for players who seek a combination of offensive prowess and enjoyable gameplay experience in Last Epoch.

Final Conclusion

In conclusion, the Frost Claw Elemental Nova Sorcerer is a powerful and versatile build that provides high damage output, crowd control, and solid defenses. It’s an excellent choice for players looking for a fun and effective playstyle in Last Epoch.



Q: What are the key features of the Frost Claw Elemental Nova Sorcerer build?
A: The build offers high cast speed, solid defenses, good mobility, massive AOE damage, and effective crowd control.

Q: How can I increase my ward generation?
A: Focus on freeze rate multiplier and gear optimization for increased ward generation.

Q: Is the build viable in high corruption levels?
A: Yes, the build can effectively clear high corruption levels with the right gear setup and skill mastery.

FAQ List

  • Key features of the build
  • Increasing ward generation
  • Viability in high corruption levels


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