• Favor is more crucial than gold in the Merchants Guild.
  • Push higher corruption levels for more experience and favor.
  • Farm Idols for easy gold, sell them for a bunch of riches.
  • Bulk buy and sell exalted items for crafting needs.
  • Target farm items that are in high demand for maximum profit.
  • Combine these strategies for success in the Merchants Guild.
  • Go big or go home in Last Epoch! Keep grinding! 🎮💰

Strategies for Maximizing Favor and Gold 💰

In today’s video, we’ll delve into my strategies for success within the Merchant Guild in Last Epoch. Having achieved level 100 on two characters and amassed substantial gold, I’ll share my insights on favor, efficient farming, and strategic selling to help you thrive in this aspect of the game.

Gaining Favor: The Key to Success 🗝️

Favor is the linchpin of success in the Merchant Guild. It’s crucial for making advances and accumulating currency. To gain favor quickly, focus on running monoliths with high monster density and increased experience modifiers. Opt for monoliths teeming with valuable enemies, such as bugs and spiders, and avoid those with less desirable foes like diamond and profane fleshes.

Monolith Corruption Increased XP Modifier
Monolith of the Fate 188 178%
Blood Frost and Death 600 628%

Spending Favor Wisely 💸

Once you’ve secured a substantial amount of favor, it’s time to put it to good use. There are several strategic avenues for doing so, each with its own set of considerations and potential for profit.

1. Selling Idols
Idols are an efficient way to generate gold without expending excessive favor. By farming idot nodes in the Monolith of Fate and listing them at favorable prices, you can amass gold with minimal investment.

Item Type Favor Cost
Tier 1 Idol 200
Tier 7 Item 3,000
3 LP Krol 4,000

2. Exalted Items
Crafting and selling exalted items can also be lucrative. Bulk listing of exalted items at reasonable prices is beneficial for both buyers and sellers, as it supports the crafting process by ensuring a steady supply of raw materials.

3. Targeted Farming
Understanding market demands can be immensely profitable. By identifying popular items such as low-life gear, LP-enhanced equipment, and sought-after weapons, you can tailor your farming efforts to meet specific player needs and maximize your returns.

Maximizing Profits: A Holistic Approach 📈

By integrating these strategies—selling Idols, optimizing exalted item sales, and targeted farming—you can position yourself for success within the Merchant Guild. Whether you’re aiming to amass wealth, acquire rare items, or carve out a niche in the market, a multi-faceted approach is essential for sustained success.

In conclusion, mastering the intricacies of the Merchants Guild takes time and effort, but the rewards are plentiful for those willing to engage strategically and adapt to the ever-evolving in-game economy. By honing your farming techniques, crafting strategic sales, and keeping a finger on the pulse of market trends, you can elevate your position within Last Epoch’s merchant society. Happy trading! 💼

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