This Falconer build is the absolute bomb ๐Ÿ’ฃ! Instakilling T4 Julra bosses with ease. The build is unreal, with insane damage and no boss can survive the combo. You can clear maps and annihilate bosses like a pro. It’s seriously the best build I’ve used in Last Epoch. If you’re a gamer, you need to try this out ASAP! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐ŸŽฎ


So the other day I released our Falconer guide and since have up quite bit around like level 83 85 at the time recording video up to time of this one so I’m basically max at this point and I almost everything that need I’ve gotten lot of the I was really looking for and ended up with one our skills so of actually completely and amount of this thing insane there has no in so far I’m up about 300 corruption right now highest timeline I not like super crazy but it’s high as ever really go been no boss that I not able them is not like some setup either just do a bomb shoot some and bomb instantly die it unreal how strong this like tier four and just instakill her so if are any sort of like potential this going to be the build you you will able to just do everything quick.

Key Takeaways

  • Max level build with insane damage
  • Easily clear through elites and bosses
  • Able to handle high corruption timelines effectively

Skill Setup and Abilities

Now we’re in our dive into on wings this to allow us have more Falcons in and one base like millions damage at least to like the dummy you’re to have come in and deal of damage and they in going dive again deal millions of so you hit so hard so really just dummy if go ahead bomb on I’m going little bit here pop them boom all Hits in for like million even like gr of me do it again here boom there’s a stack with shred and all of stuff all came for like 3 plus so that’s I’m saying there’s literally nothing that is to survive combo this so you up to boss fight you’re going do just at the edge screen smoke bomb them a arrows for seconds while you wait your shadows to then the just to Nuke.


Ability Description
Dive Bomb Allows stacking of damage rapidly
Aerial Assualt Call Falcons and deal massive damage
Smoke Bomb Create a shield for defense

Passive Skills and Talent Tree

Your to be seeing this so yeah this build definitely the I used in character I have hundreds this game and is by far the game but to you this video exactly how up off with our the exact skills we were using in previous version we’ve up net now this is going big key part to the main that we made with this going a bigger single damage with 40% damage multiplier we get in there but what bomb is allow us to is just consistently rapidly make now we’re in our dive into on wings this to allow us have more Falcons in and one base like millions damage at least to like the dummy you’re to have come in and deal of damage and they in going dive again deal millions of so you hit so hard so really just dummy if go ahead bomb on I’m going little bit here pop them boom all Hits in for like million even like gr of me do it again here boom there’s a stack with shred and all of stuff all came for like 3 plus so that’s I’m saying there’s literally nothing that is to survive combo this so you up to boss fight you’re going do just at the edge screen smoke bomb them a arrows for seconds while you wait your shadows to then the just to Nuke.

Passive Skills

Passive Skill Description
Critical Multiplier Increase critical damage multiplier
Hunter’s Spoils Maintain mana and increase damage
Quickened Prey Increase attack speed and critical chance

Gear and Equipment

Now the gear that last is I still my piece but I’ve a more and as you can see in character sheet here I am all I’m missing bit in lightning unfortunately right now but that’s not really a big deal I’m only otherwise my crit is base with bow crit chance 115 right now I could actually lose chance probably drop and throw in some multi here pretty soon I’m just bit better of these to in the like that I’ll be able to my our main really to be right with these current pieces of I’m at 7 damage across the board also 464 minion multi now this get a I the crit avoidance where I need um right now boots don’t have crit like just 70 health to make keep hyrid there um but otherwise for the gear when you guys are getting your talents of Valor and for LP on there you really need a one of this uh you’re just to that chance the bow attack speed so you can spam your Sky and obviously getting that chance bonus going to help you guys that uh Max crit rating all pieces everything being crit like was able change one blessings in the timelines crit multi instead crit still and it’s going allow me to out some here uh idols and get more of it um that you could do like the minion would really good one if get like a and like a third would be just more crit multi uh on isn’t too with of our passives that we’re to using but the I would like to trade the Vitality for area damage with keep decks health and a resistance there really nice like obviously the set to is the Falcon so we it the dexterity and the melee damage um I’m also running turquoise here I just duplicating these found a really good one so one just crit chance and then some ended I’m a spider belt for the coverage otherwise minion damage then you can fire damage for your explosive regen really have Mana issues really worry um second prefix here with your belts focus on the damage otherwise the on here going be crit uh that’s why I really like rolling exalted and then otherwise hybrid Health um for I currently have the you don’t need you do basically any glove you want do like of endurance resistance ones like really going to matter if you need more crit do the crit chance gloves um otherwise chance you do hybrid health and crit avoidance is on The here’s you’re want your then ranks Aerial assault that’s going to allow to those um extra around like frenzy stuff over here the Dodge rating it’s going to allow you pick that is really nice otherwise we’re still like and on quiver it what quiver uh I’m probably for is resistances at the end the day not make a in build whatsoever the aix’s so if guys are setting the filter or using mine have a bunch of there just the and then here I some crit I think can decks all the options for that I think I run yeah my planner I’d decks crit chance is my ideal of bow damage resistances chance to really nice just because are be spamming our uh the start of fights going to allow stack bit more then for the amulet the cuz at the of the day bit crit chance we already on crit uh didn’t matter and 30% minion really it dropping the bucket end of the I to my so gold amulet there’s bunch different options can use and I minion and some resistances to round and are just multi and then chance to on bow hits Dodge you can also get underneath effect think be my day I get my perfect Idols that is my gear then super super this.


Item Description
Talents of Valor Increase bow attack speed and chance bonus
Tuquoise Critical chance and additional stat
Spider Belt Provides coverage, minion damage, fire damage and explosive regen


This is Falconer build seriously just I’m to be using this for farming everything any of LP need to I’m going to be hopping instantly not going to any time my other because nothing how fast this can maps and single boss in the game but if guys did enjoy this crazy make sure you are to the channel we’re gonna a bunch more here very shortly but anyways I hope all have fantastic day you next.


  1. How effective is this build against high-level bosses?

    • This build is extremely effective and can easily handle high-level bosses and elites.
  2. What gear is essential for this build?

    • Talents of Valor and specific accessories are essential to maximize the build’s capability.
  3. Are there any alternative skill setups for this build?

    • Some skill setups and passive builds can be altered based on personal preferences and playstyle.
  4. How can I optimize this build for corruption timelines?

    • Utilize the recommended talents and specific gear to optimize and increase the build’s effectiveness in corruption timelines.
  5. Can this build be used for endgame content?

    • Yes, this Falconer build is well-suited for endgame content and provides excellent results.

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