The Lightning Wolves or Squirrels Shaman Build is an electrifying spectacle of unrelenting lightning bolts that will strike fear into your enemies. With insane movement speed and no fear of running out of mana, this build is an absolute sight to behold. The sheer power of the storm stacks and the lightning bolts cascading everywhere on the screen make it a thrilling experience. And let’s not forget the wolves, which can even be transformed into squirrels if you prefer. This build is full of surprises and a ton of fun to play! ⚡🐺


The lightning Shaman is quite a spectacle, leaping from target to target while striking foes with an insane amount of unrelenting lightning bolts, with no regard for Mana. The wolves, which can also be transformed to squirrels if you prefer, provide even more lightning damage to the build. This Onslaught is an absolute sight to behold, and the insane movement speed provided while buffs are active make for an incredibly fun build to play as well. There are no build defining items for this build, only those that make it stronger, meaning you can start using the build from level one or pick it up at the end game, whatever you prefer. The choice is yours.

Key Takeaways:

  • Lightning Shaman build with wolves/squirrels provides incredible movement speed and fun gameplay.
  • No build defining items, can be used from level one to end game.

Gameplay Overview

In the gameplay, you can use fury leap to Traverse through the map. Top of that, we’re going to go ahead and use our T strike basically to chop everything down. When we get stronger health enemies, you can use the Gathering storm as well.

🔍 Gameplay Overview Table:

Ability Description
Fury leap Traverse through the map
T Strike Chop down enemies
Gathering Storm Increase strength of character

Tempest Strike Ability

This build basically has no fear of ever running out of Mana, which is absolutely fantastic. The way we’re creating this amazing display is by using Tempest strike as our main ability. Tempest strike is going to do a few things for us.

🌀 Tempest Strike Ability Table:

Aspect Impact
Expends storm Stacks When used
Generates lightning bolts When used
Allows for easy casting of storm totem Automatic summoning

Storm Totem and Wolves

For the storm totem, we’re going to increase the chance that it has to shock. We’re going to get increased movement speed. In addition, 40% is absolutely massive when the totem shocks an enemy. Benefit for this is we’ll get 45% increased lightning damage for a period of time after it deals that. Your minions will gain increase melee lightning damage as well.

🐺 Storm Totem and Wolves Table:

Aspect Impact
Shock chance increase Benefit for lightning damage
Increased movement speed When totem shocks an enemy
Increased melee lightning damage For minions

Storm Stacks and Storm Bolts

Let’s talk about the two terms storm stacks and storm bolts. Both of these have been mentioned at this point without much description of what they do. The recently reworked Gathering storm will generate storm stacks when you hit one enemy. By default, this is a lightning skill, and has the capability to be transformed into physical or cold if you want to play a variation of this.

⚡️ Storm Stacks and Storm Bolts Table:

Term Description
Storm Stacks Generated by hitting enemies
Storm Bolts Lightning skill, deals damage to enemies

Gear and Scaling

Look for items that boost lightning damage. Although your minions deal damage on their own, the bolts they proc scale off your own lightning damage and it’s more effective overall. The biggest negative of this build is that it does lack a little bit of single-target damage.

⚔️ Gear and Scaling Quote:
"Look for items that boost lightning damage."


Having played many different builds in Last Epoch, I would rate this as one of the more enjoyable builds within the game. As always, thanks for taking the time to watch, and have a great day.

🎮 Conclusion List:

  • This build is one of the more enjoyable within the game.
  • Thanks for watching!

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